We are a non-political coalition of faith-based community organizations and individuals who live, work, and serve in the greater Morris County area. We share the common belief that all people should be treated with dignity, respect, and understanding.
The Interfaith Service, held in November, was well-received and a joyous experience
for all who participated! Thank you for such a powerful community program.
(Please click on the photos below to enlarge and enjoy)

What is the Diversity Day Celebration?
On Sunday, July 21, 2024, we hosted the popular Diversity Celebration on the Morristown Green!
Diversity Celebration is a community event sponsored by the Diversity Coalition of Morris County that brings together friends
and members of the Greater Morris County Area in order to celebrate the gifts of our neighbors.
The day consisted of a morning Interfaith worship Service open to the public followed by a FREE festival of multicultural music, ethnic food, and universal FUN. Our aim is to bring people together, safely to celebrate diversity and obtain information that could help create better understanding about new cultures among all in attendance. The success of this event has been credited largely to the various religious, cultural, and educational
organizations and community members who contribute their time and financial support to the event.​
Thank You to our Diversity Celebration 2024 Sponsors!
Funding has been made possible in part by funds from Morris Arts through the New Jersey State Council on the Arts/Department of State,
a Partner Agency of the National Endowment for the Arts.
Thank you to our Diversity Day Celebration Participating Community Partners!
Atlantic Health, Bethel AME Church, Autism NJ, Boy Scouts of America (Patriot’s Path Council of Scouts), Calvary Baptist Church, CASA of Morris & Sussex Counties, Centrobiblico of Ne Jersey, Church of God in Christ for All Saints, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Church of the Redeemer,
Commission on Voluntary Service and Action, Cohome, Congregation Adath Shalom, Congregation B’Nai Israel, Cornerstone Family Programs & Neighborhood House, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Dover-Randolph Quaker Meeting, Empower the Village, Empty Bowl Zendo, Islamic Society of Basking Ridge, MAKOMNJ, MAYO Performing Arts Center, Morris County Human Relations Commission, Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, Mt Freedom Jewish Center, Morris School District, The Morris County Sheriff’s Office, Morristown & Morris Township Library, Morristown United Methodist Church, Morristown Jewish Center, Nourish New Jersey, Presbyterian Church in Morristown, Randolph Peace, NAACP Morris County Branch #2902, National Council of Jewish Women-West Morris Section, New Jersey Division of Civil Rights & Division of Criminal Justice, Seton Hall University, NJ Association of Black Educators, Sound of Success, Table of Hope, Temple B’Nai Or, Unitarian Fellowship, RAMP (Refugee Assistance Morris Partners), Wind of the Spirit, Women in Unity
We share the common belief that all people should be treated with dignity, respect, and understanding.
Check back with us often to see what's next. We welcome every opportunity to bring the community together. Learn more now.
We are back July 21, 2024 for the Diversity Celebrationwith display tables, food, and cultural entertainment. Learn more now.
Helping others is at the heart of our association. You can help, too! Volunteer, donate, and support.